RE/MAX is born. Dave and Gail Liniger, two 20-something real estate agents from Denver, Colorado, decide to develop a new real estate concept. They created RE/MAX – an acronym for “real estate maximums” – a system that encourages quality real estate salespeople to realize and develop their outstanding business potential.
RE/MAX is growing! With a team of 42 Sales Associates, Gail and Dave Liniger decide to take the leap to next step to make RE/MAX the success they envisioned. They mortgage their assets and dedicate themselves to working around the clock.
A huge company milestone when the first RE/MAX franchise is established outside of Colorado.
Only 4 years after this innovative real estate concept is developed the RE/MAX team is now up to 500 Sales Associates.
On its 5th birthday, RE/MAX boasts 1,000 Sales Associates and launches its first widely recognized trademark – the RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon. And still to this day the Hot Air Balloon trademark is well known all over the world.
RE/MAX grows beyond the US borders. Two Canadians -Frank Polzler and Walter Schneider contact Dave Liniger they want to bring RE/MAX to Eastern Canada. Liniger agrees, and RE/MAX Ontario-Atlantic Canada is born.
Within two years the number of RE/MAX Sales Associates quickly triples. There’s now a total of 3,000 RE/MAX Sales Associates.
The number of RE/MAX Sales Associates skyrockets to 20,000 and RE/MAX becomes the No.1 real estate organization in Canada.
RE/MAX expands further with the opening of RE/MAX offices in the Caribbean.
RE/MAX illustrates its interest in assisting the community and local neighbourhoods by becoming the sole real estate sponsor for the Children’s Miracle Network. The Children’s Miracle Network is an organization that supports children’s hospitals across North America.
RE/MAX makes that big jump and “travels across the pond” to Europe.
RE/MAX continues to grow worldwide as the familiar RE/MAX sign begins to appear in real estate offices in Spain and South Africa.
The RE/MAX network takes a bigger hold of the European marketplace with Italy, Israel, and Germany joining the “Above the Crowd” real estate experts.
RE/MAX celebrates it’s quarter century birthday with 48,000 Sales Associates in 2,900 offices around the world and a total of 1 million transactions that year.
The Netherlands and Greece join the RE/MAX Network.
The first-ever RE/MAX TV advertising campaign debuts, generating 1.6 billion impressions.
The year 2000 is celebrated with Norway and Iceland joining the team and spurring RE/MAX growth to over 57,467 sales associates in 3,422 offices in 32 countries on six continents.
RE/MAX continues its continuous upward growth trend. The RE/MAX network can be found in 38 countries with more than 69,825 sales associates in 4,159 offices worldwide.
RE/MAX heads into 2002 with over 5,000 Sales Associates in the Ontario-Atlantic Canada region. And with this success RE/MAX sales associates are happy to have been able to contribute over $12 million dollars to the Children’s Miracle Network since the inception of the RE/MAX Miracle Home Program in 1992.
RE/MAX launches new technology allowing agents to track and manage leads, as well as an online design tool that allows associates to create unique marketing materials.
RE/MAX continues to expand across Canada. Keep in touch with RE/MAX online at our Facebook page.